Many of our participants are parents, so re-establishing healthy parent and child interaction is key to Reimagine Reentry. After spending time incarcerated - and away from kids - a parent’s return to home will make things different than they were before. We want to help to make sure that reconnecting and making strong, secure connections is done intentionally and with resilience. Our model of family reunification is largely based on InsideOut Dad® from the National Fatherhood Initiative. Since roughly half of state inmates, and more than half of federal inmates, are parents (and the vast majority of those parents are fathers), parental and fatherhood coaching are an essential service for most returning citizens.
Women and mothers enrolled in Reimagine Reentry are similarly engaged through coaching, mentorship and programming for moms and their kids. Our program links returning parents to local initiatives, including faith-based and community-based programming and other community education programs.
We are always searching for opportunities for families to engage in safe and appropriate activities in the community, with partnerships with local organizations that support family activity and health!
Fill out the Reimagine Reentry program application [link], and indicate your interest in the MC3 training program at the end of the application. Once you submit this, we will assess your eligibility and work to schedule you an interview with our staff. Once selected, you will be an active participant with our program for three years, including your time in the six-week training! There are four basic components to our program: